Radipole Lake, it has been very productive lately, In the still and sunny days the Bearded Tits have been about, there are some showing at the Concrete bridge and reports of more by the RSPB shop, their special metallic ker--ching call can be heard all over the reserve, when they climb up the sedge to feed in the sunshine it is always special, the Bird watchers send themselves into ecstasy when they show, okay, yes, they are a fantastic sight.
For the last few weeks the concrete bridge area has been the place to be, also hanging around on the top of the Sedge are Reed Buntings, I have only seen the females, but there are plenty of picture taking opportunities.
On the water off the Buddleia Loop, the Gulls like to wash and preen, I'm not into Gulls/ Shytalks, but I was taken by the beauty of the Mediterranean Gull, it is a cracker, there has been a rare sight of a Common Gull as well, I got some shots of it washing and flying.
Sometimes if you are lucky, you will catch a glimpse of a Little Grebe diving under the water, even better a Water Rail out in the open, saw some last week out on the ice, caught one inflight chasing a rival out of it's patch.
Over at the North Hide, the Kingfisher makes a regular appearance, the RSPB have put out some perches for them to land on, for the best views, it is best to use the lower windows, now and again the Marsh Harrier will fly around hunting for food, they seem to be resident here now.
And of course at this time of year, the ever present Robin.
Radipole Lake is well worth a wander at any time, just to stretch your legs, do it, you never know what you might see, I bumped into a young lad taking pictures here last week, I was trying to see what he was shooting, then saw it, A Brown Rat in a tree eating berries, wow!! seen them tons of times scurrying around, but never in a tree eating berries, great to see not only the Rat, but someone so young and keen out taking pictures of wildlife, Look out Chris Packham you have competition :-D
More pics on the website, thank you for reading my blog, Happy Days and Happy New Year